
Healthy Neighborhoods

  • January 6, 2016

Healthy neighborhood urban-advantage

Health is a product of genes, environment, and inputs, particularly air, food, and liquids.

Genetics are beyond the scope of City governance, so the place where the greatest leverage is available is the health of the human environment.

In the natural environment, humans have created a built environment in which they live, work, and play. The quality of that environment determines to a great degree whether people get ordinary exercise throughout every day, and whether clean air, healthy food, and abundant clean water are readily available.

The vast network of cars and trucks in the City emit gases that are harmful to neighborhood health. The easiest solution is to establish many neighborhoods where the number of cars and trucks is diminished over time.

Neighborhood water supplies need constant attention, mostly for quality but often and perhaps increasingly for quantity.
Food supply choices vary across the City, and there is a correlation with density, or lack of it. That means those places where there are so-called “food deserts” are also places with the greatest opportunities for urban production of food, in neighborhoods and for both the residents’ consumption and for commerce.

The ability to safely and conveniently walk among amenities is absolutely key to healthy neighborhoods.

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