
Everything 035 (not alone)

  • November 4, 2015

not alone From Aeon magazine: We don’t know what all this means. Or if it means anything at all. We know that we’re made of little parts that connect us to everything in the Universe, to the beginning of everything. And this is kind of a nice thought: You are not alone, you never were, and you never will be. NEXT

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Everything 034 (dream)

  • October 29, 2015

dream Lewis Carroll said Ever drifting down the stream-- Lingering in the golden gleam-- Life, what is it but a dream? Or as millions of people, maybe billions down through time, suggest Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. NEXT

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Everything 033 (believe)

  • October 29, 2015

believe Eleanor Roosevelt said “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” That is, the beauty of our dreams propels us to create our futures, literally, from energy and information mixed together by intelligence/consciousness over a period of time. NEXT

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Everything 032 (motive)

  • October 29, 2015

motive John D. Rockefeller said once: “God gave me my money.” That’s an interesting perspective and full of mystery given the unreality of money: a concept commonly manifested on paper and used to persuade people to do things or give things to you. After all, humans did everything it took to extract resources from the Earth to construct a massive rocket that would take three men to the Moon. It is said we could do that because the United States is rich. That is, the United States could “throw money” at the project. Certainly, the humans who collectively created the intellectual...

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Everything 031 (purpose)

  • October 23, 2015

purpose Clearly, as people study this stuff and have insights, they go off on tangents and to the extent such people communicate about their knowledge and wisdom the discussion then becomes both clearer and more impossible. For instance, if we are all combined in one universal consciousness thing then what, exactly, are we trying to do? Or what should we do? Doesn’t this state of things suggest that we can basically think our way out of any dilemma and create any Universe we want? Some scientists think we can create other universes and are working on how to do that. Just what we need. Should...

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Everything 030 (Buddha mindfulness)

  • October 23, 2015

Buddha mindfulness Buddha spoke of “mindfulness” and that is translated as “awareness.” He taught that you have to work on it and to the extent you work on it the more mindful or aware you become. That implies people can learn awareness, which suggests that many people who seem not to have much of it just don’t bother. Blame bad drugs, alcohol, television, car envy, whatever. Trouble and conflict derive from the scale of difference in awareness. NEXT

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Everything 029 (awareness)

  • October 23, 2015

(awareness) Reference to “consciousness” opens yet another can of quantum worms. Quantum weirdness implies that consciousness transcends the individual, that it is somehow shared, seamless, constant, everywhere. That view holds that there is just one consciousness. But not everyone chooses to comprehend and embrace this idea. That is, some of us are more or less aware of consciousness than others. Perhaps awareness is more properly the term we should use when we are comparing the so-called “consciousness” of individuals. NEXT

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Everything 028 (entanglement)

  • September 15, 2015

entanglement Chopra and others maintain that this fabric is consciousness, and that consciousness is universal, available in its entirety to everyone, everywhere, at all times. It is said to be more fundamental than anything physical. In “Quantum Enigma,” Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner say this: The Enigma in a Nutshell All of physics is based on quantum theory. It’s the most battle-tested theory in all of science. And one-third of our economy involves products designed with it. Quantum theory works for fundamental science and for practical applications. However, this reliable and useful...

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Everything 027 (hearts & minds

  • September 10, 2015

hearts & minds Whatever space is, you and I share a fabric that absolutely connects us together simultaneously and is everywhere in us providing energy and information, urging us forward. Our hearts and minds, massaged by quantum space, operate in tandem with all other hearts and minds. NEXT

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Everything 026 (space)

  • September 10, 2015

space Here is how it is explained by Jim Holt in his book "Why Does the World Exist?": “...space is not nothing. Nor is the space of the quantum vacuum really empty. It has a complicated mathematical structure; it bends and flexes like rubber; it is saturated with energy fields and seethes with virtual-particle activity. The quantum vacuum is a physical object; indeed, it is a little proto-cosmos unto itself.” In quantum mechanics, the vacuum contains electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of existence. In this tenuous world, a mechanical Universe looks pretty...

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