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Elon Musk on entanglement

  • December 3, 2017

  Rolling Stone: So when scientists discovered that an electron can be in two places at once, how do you— Elon Musk: I don't think it can be in two places at once. I think it's rendered as we see it. Dynamic rendering. That explains quantum probability. NEXT    

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The iPhone of mobility

  • November 13, 2017

Tesla Model 3 A mass market electric car with most of what it needs to be driverless. The most coveted car on Earth. Offspring of the 2nd and 10th quickest cars on the road. The interior has no buttons, knobs, or dials. In a few years, you can sleep in it while it goes to Denver, or you can send it to the store.    

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Self-contained electric world

  • November 13, 2017

Tesla house The shingles on the roof are solar photovoltaics that charge hundreds and hundreds of little batteries in the white box at right. The batteries power the house and the car. There are no wires coming into the house. The box says Tesla. NEXT    

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Free-roaming cars and trucks

  • November 13, 2017

  If your phone knows where your next event is, the car knows where to go and will entertain you along the way, providing screen-based entertainment and maybe even a little exercise machine. It will be very cheap and very efficient. You will feel good about it. Zillions of dollars will flow in many directions. There will be a lot fewer vehicles on the street, and the streets will be completely different, with commerce and entertainment dominating walkable space, as people seek goods, services, and experiences on foot. NEXT    

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Looking to the Future

  • June 15, 2017

By David Crossley Among other things, my life has involved studying and writing about the future for the last 60 years.  For the last 25 years, I've been focused on the Houston region and how its people will move into the future. It is reassuring to note that nearly everything I wrote about 15 years ago,  everything I suggested would happen, has come to pass or is coming to pass in Houston. Back then, it would have been clear to anybody who spent time looking at trends and concepts from around the world that cities were growing while rural populations shrank; that walkable, complete neighborhoods...

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