
Everything 029 (awareness)

  • October 23, 2015

(awareness) Reference to “consciousness” opens yet another can of quantum worms. Quantum weirdness implies that consciousness transcends the individual, that it is somehow shared, seamless, constant, everywhere. That view holds that there is just one consciousness. But not everyone chooses to comprehend and embrace this idea. That is, some of us are more or less aware of consciousness than others. Perhaps awareness is more properly the term we should use when we are comparing the so-called “consciousness” of individuals. NEXT

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Public Works I

  • October 23, 2015

Yesterday at the People & Nature Conference I learned that the Public Works Department and the City of Houston are acquiring right of way along some major corridors with the intention of widening them. There can be no public benefit to widening Houston's streets at a time when population and job density are both growing vigorously. It is clearly time to make wiser - and safer, and more convenient - use of our public right of way. The proposal for reconfiguring parts of West Alabama removes a car lane but will improve auto throughput in the corridor. It is the most advanced public...

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Everything 028 (entanglement)

  • September 15, 2015

entanglement Chopra and others maintain that this fabric is consciousness, and that consciousness is universal, available in its entirety to everyone, everywhere, at all times. It is said to be more fundamental than anything physical. In “Quantum Enigma,” Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner say this: The Enigma in a Nutshell All of physics is based on quantum theory. It’s the most battle-tested theory in all of science. And one-third of our economy involves products designed with it. Quantum theory works for fundamental science and for practical applications. However, this reliable and useful...

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Everything 027 (hearts & minds

  • September 10, 2015

hearts & minds Whatever space is, you and I share a fabric that absolutely connects us together simultaneously and is everywhere in us providing energy and information, urging us forward. Our hearts and minds, massaged by quantum space, operate in tandem with all other hearts and minds. NEXT

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Everything 026 (space)

  • September 10, 2015

space Here is how it is explained by Jim Holt in his book "Why Does the World Exist?": “...space is not nothing. Nor is the space of the quantum vacuum really empty. It has a complicated mathematical structure; it bends and flexes like rubber; it is saturated with energy fields and seethes with virtual-particle activity. The quantum vacuum is a physical object; indeed, it is a little proto-cosmos unto itself.” In quantum mechanics, the vacuum contains electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of existence. In this tenuous world, a mechanical Universe looks pretty...

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Everything 025 (excitement)

  • September 10, 2015

excitement Whatever it is, the fog of energy and information is present absolutely everywhere and always, including within the construct you think of as you. We used to refer to this fog as “space” and think of it as empty. A vacuum. Not any more. Now we know that space is suffused with quantum fields, which are literally everywhere. The protons, electrons, and other particles often described as the building blocks of matter are themselves exceptions of quantum fields. Space looks empty when the fields languish near their minimum energy levels. But when the fields are excited, space...

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Everything 024 (More God)

  • September 9, 2015

more God The concept of an ephemeral, conscious, God-based Universe is the point around which scientists and philosophers dance. For some, God is a name for the Intelligence that sends forth energy and information for use in the creation of Everything. Outside the realm of Science, it is frequently said that God is everywhere, in all things, at all times, and that this pulsing endless sea of space that flows through us and everything else is God. NEXT

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Everything 23 (God)

  • September 8, 2015

God Some have given that seamless flow of energy and information the characterization of “God,” some sort of intelligence endlessly creating and re-organizing and re-building the universe: rebuilding its own environment, experiencing its creation. Some use the term “Nature” for this intelligence. But others say there is something behind even Nature. Others call it The Force and so on. NEXT

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Everything O22 (undivided wholeness)

  • September 8, 2015

undivided wholeness Deepak Chopra and others speak of “an understanding of a conscious universe in which all [mysteries] are differentiated activities of a single field that is an undivided wholeness and in some sense bridges external reality with inner being.” Note that in the earlier Chopra quote he used “infinite fields of energy and information spanning the universe,” while in this latest quote he says “a single field that is an undivided wholeness,” implying it goes in one piece through everything and to the edges of Forever and, presumably, beyond. If there are many universes,...

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Everything 021 (atoms)

  • September 8, 2015

atoms The organization of atoms is always in a state of decomposition (atoms going out) and recomposition (atoms coming in). As you and I talk face to face, millions of atoms fly out of our mouths and off of our skin, and we trade many of them. Atoms stream in a continuous network in and out of our bodies in this constant field of energy. They are said to be the same atoms, fixed in mass and quantity throughout time and the universe, and there are atoms in me today that were once in Cleopatra, say, or Mahatma Gandhi, or Marilyn Monroe. Presumably, that means the atoms that constituted Jesus...

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